
An app that helps you to find cateres who sells ethnic Bangladeshi comfort food in Toronto


Few years back, I migrated from Bangladesh to Canada to persue my canadian dream. After coming here, the thing I missed most from my homeland is the food. Often, I have hopped around Toronto looking for ethnic Bangladeshi food to serve my cravings. And it has not been very convenient every time. My personal experience and background has helped me to empathize with other immigrants like me who miss their ethnic comfort food. So very recently, when I was doing "Google UX Design Certification", I took the opportunity to hone my skills to design a product that serve the needs related to the food habit of Bangladeshi immigrants in Toronto.


User Research, Synthesis, Ideation, Testing, Interactive Prototype


July-August, 2021

Project Type



Figma, Miro, Zoom

Design Process

Since I followed "Design Thinking" framework, I started things off by interviewing 6 people in Toronto who have migrated from Bangladesh. At the beginning of this project, I was un-sure with what route to take. So, I used these interviews to gather basic insights about anything and everything about their food habit and identify common painpoints. Then I used few UX tools i.e. empathy map, persona, user jourey mapping to define the problem statement and also used those in the ideation phase to come up with solutions.

design thinking process

User Personas

Based on the interview, I found 2 persona - Fahrina & Rashid. Both of them miss their ethnic Bangladeshi food and have their reasons for not being able to cook those. But Fahrina relies on some local caterers who cooks & sells ethnic Bangladeshi comfort food from their home, and Rashid relies on local Bangladeshi Restaurant. I felt painpoints related to ordering food from caterers is rather more unexplored by existing products in the market. So, I decided to narrow down my focus on the user group like fahrina.

persona of fahrina

The Empathy Map

empathy map

User Journey Mapping

To dig deeper into the user needs, I mapped the journey of Fahrina when her goal is to - order ethnic Bangladeshi comfort food from local caterers for a get together at her place.

user journey mapping


After digging into the empathy map, persona, user journey mapping, user stories and their painpoints, I came up with the following problem, hypothesis and goal statement:

Problem Statement

Fahrina is a Bangladeshi immigrant in Toronto who needs an easy way to order ethnic Bangladeshi comfort food because she finds it difficult to connect to the right caterers that matches her needs best.

Hypothesis Statement

If we can make an app that has list of caterers in Toronto with necessary details then Fahrina will be able to place order easily.

Goal Statement

Our app will let users place order for Bangladeshi food quickly and easily, which will affect Bangladeshi immigrants in Toronto who wants to enjoy their ethnic comfort food by allowing them to choose the right caterer as per their requirement. We will measure effectiveness by tracking the number of orders users place.


From the user interview, I got to know that the caterers from whom the Bangladeshi immigrants sourced ethnic Bangladeshi food does not have a individual website/app.They mostly sells their food via word of mouth and marketplace, community groups, pages in Facebook. So I decided to explore some of these caterers in Facebook community groups and pages. I also explored the website and facebook page of the restaurants who serves ethnic Bangladeshi food in Toronto. Combining these insights with the ones I got from the user interviews I came up with a value proposition for my product. My goal was to come up with as many ideas as possible.

value proposition

Wireframe to Low-fidelity Prototype

For MVP, I started with a use case where user will browse caterers, see their menu details and place order. For designing low-fidelity wireframe, I jumped right into sketching with pen and paper. I came up with 5 different version of wireframe for each screens which I subsequently filtered and summarized into a final version.

wireframe sketch
wireframe sketch

Later, I transformed the final version of the paper wireframe into a digital wireframe and made a low-fidelity prototype using Figma.

low fidelity prototype

Click to open the low-fidelity prototype in a new tab

The Usability Study

I conducted the usability test of my low-fidelity prototype with 2 of participants that I interviewed before. Both of them have previous experience of ordering Bangladeshi ethnic food from the local caterers of Toronto. I asked them to perform few basic use cases and also some questions like:

From the test, I found the following major insights:

The Prototype

After incorporating the insights from usability study and visual design elements i.e. icons, colors, typography and containment, I came up with the hi-fidelity prototype.

final prototype

Reflection on my work

This project made me realize more and more about the importance of understanding the user and how much it can impact and guide in each steps of UX design process. I would like to thank Google for making amazing content in it's "UX Design Certification" which helped me a lot to hone my skills in building the UX tools I used to understand my users.